Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Michael Landy's Saints alive

Saints alive was an interactive exhibition, almost like a little theme park inside the more serious, quiet, valuable collection in the National Gallery. The sculptures were big, loud and reminded characters from The Hunchback of Notre Dame, their faces dramatic, colours cartoonlike and the construction playful. The saints were self destructive and ironical, but also creative and fun.


Michael Landy: Saints Alive at London's National Gallery - video preview

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Tacita Dean at Frith Street Gallery

I felt that there is a sort mystical quality to her film created by the repetition, sense of time and symbol of spiral. It is interesting how 35 mm film can be so different from digital. I believe I could actually see the chemical process of light and how it is changing. It is smooth and sharp at the same time and because of its qualities gives a feeling of reality.

Tacita Dean: JG Ballard, Robert Smithson and me - video preview

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Trying to motivate myself to write 2 essays. I didn't manage to write the first one on time so I failed. I don't feel too bad about it. The second essay is harder and I can't fail, because then my Erasmus plans would not work out. It is very much like me to leave everything to the last moment and then just go crazy running around and trying to get everything done. I guess there is something weirdly enjoyable in getting in this very concentrated state of mind. Mate will help. Any time. And I managed to write and make everything for Erasmus just with 2 days, don't know what I was doing before, I guess I just forgot about it. Very unprofessional.  First essay almost done. Second one...
It is full moon
Ars longa, vita brevis
Art is long, life is short.

It is March again, second year in London. I have just turned 21. The magic age of becoming legally a grown up in all ways... It does not really change much unless I would take this little excuse to change everything. And I should. It is my duty.